Monday, 6 June 2011

Black Magic

Black licorice, you either love it or you hate it..... Jenipher LOVES IT... Amy, not so much....

For those of you who love it, you have to try this!!! it is the most delicious treat ever! I decided to make it a bit creamy...

Berry Blue Jello
a touch of Cool Whip 


Sour Voginas!

Who isn't a fan of "Orangina"?? One of my ALL TIME favorite drinks is a "Vogina" orangina and we were thinking, how do we make it super tasty?? add jello and sour raspberry!!! 
This mouth watering delicious jello shot is so very satisfying 

the recipe:
Orange Pineapple Jello (or just plain orange jello)
instead of water, use one cup of boiled orangina
half a cup of vodka
half a cup of sour puss raspberry

for fanciness, to the bottom of each shot we added one swedish berry, also adds a beautifully interesting texture!!!!